The New Year is approaching and it is time to remember, to take a look back, but also to plan new projects, new goals and new objectives. If you are like me, you will like planning. And so that you can do it in the best way, I created this printable 2018 calendar.
It is a PDF calendar with images of my amigurumis, specifically the ebook Animagumis: 15 Patterns to crochet yarn animals.
It is ideal to use it as an agenda, to write down the new projects, important dates…
The calendar is ready to print. You just have to download it in the following link and print it:
Download >> Amigurumi 2018 Calendar [Spanish] | |
Download >> Amigurumi 2018 Calendar [English] |
Each month is a page but if you want it on only one here you have this picture:
Or if you prefer it in English…
I hope you like the 2018 Amigurumi Calendar to Print!
I can only wish you a happy and prosperous new year. May all your wishes come true 😉
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ya estoy subscrita , gracias es monísimo